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Saturday, December 3, 2011

mY hOnnEY bUnnY wiTH LoVE

Dalam post terdahulu on "fever_cough_flu mania", ada mentioned yang my hubby pun termasuk dalam that disease marathon. He took longer time than the kids to recover. Sekarang ni pun still on off. Last week, he had the worst effects/disease, di mana sampai pitam/gelap mata segala. Risau dengan that effects/condition, pergi la checkup kat klinik. Ingat nak buat blood test, tp after consultation with Dr, maka blood test tidak diperlukan.

Tapi kenapa my hubby experienced that effects? Kenapa saya kata effects pula? Nak tahu.........
From Dr's consultation, masalah my hubby adalah berkenaan nicotine withdrawal syndrome. Hah! kan pecah tembelang, actually my chenta sayang manja hubby friend is in the process to quit smoking. He wants to try 1st before meng'announce' pada sekalian umum. Nak tahu tentang"NICOTINE WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME".

What is Nicotine?

Nicotine is the ingredient that causes physical addiction to tobacco. It's a mild stimulant and increases activity in the brain just like caffeine, cocaine and amphetamine. It's also a powerful toxin, which is why you probably coughed your way through that first cigaretteNicotine affects every part of the nervous system, including the pleasure centre of the brain.

Nicotine in brain.

A variety of different brain chemicals are altered each time you smoke. When smokers are asked why they use tobacco, they say:

smoking stimulates and increases concentration

smoking helps them to relax and deal with stress.

As a smoker, you might smoke some cigarettes to wake yourself up (eg the first one in the morning) and others to help you relax or calm yourself down when stressed or bored. Although nicotine is primarily a stimulant drug, it works differently in different areas of the brain. For example, it soothes the limbic system, one of our most important emotional centres. all those years ago.

Nicotine and dependency.

Nicotine is an addictive substance, which means your body gets used to nicotine and comes to need a certain level to function normally each day. Any less than this dose and you start to feel snappy and on edge and get an urge to smoke. Few smokers start on 20 a day, but increase their habit over time. The usual pattern is to find smoking unpleasant at first, but the body and brain quickly adapt and you start to experience its enjoyable qualities. You will then find you need to smoke more to feel these effects. Further into your addiction, you will smoke to avoid going into withdrawal between cigarettes. Nicotine is one of the most dependency-inducing drugs. Even the good feelings you attribute to smoking, ie improved concentration, are really due to relief of the withdrawal effects that come on between cigarettes. Although people's dependency on nicotine varies widely, once you become 'hooked', nicotine is so addictive that if you start smoking again after a period of quitting, you quickly escalate up to your original habit again very rapidly – even it's been years since your last puff. It's also why regular smokers can't 'become' social smokers, because as your body adjusts to nicotine, it will need more.

The withdrawal symptoms.

A smoker's nervous system becomes accustomed to functioning with nicotine. When you stop smoking, the reduced nicotine intake will disturb the balance of the central nervous system, causing withdrawal symptoms.

The most common withdrawal symptoms are:

cravings for tobacco



increased appetite

weight gain

concentration problems

depression or low mood






Fortunately, the majority of these symptoms tend to disappear after a few of weeks. Some people may experience cravings, concentration problems and an increased appetite over a longer time period.

credit to

Namun Alhamdullilah now he is recovering, Alhamdullilah sebab symptoms yang my hubby experienced tak la teruk sangat dan berpanjangan. Thanks Allah sebab membuka hati dan memberikan "trigger factor" yang menyebabkan my hubby teringin nak stop smoking. Thanks ayang sebab kuat dan terus bersemangat untuk meninggalkan habit tersebut. I'm proud of you sayang...=)

Selain tentang chenta kasih sayang saya, ada 2 lagi cerita yang sangat2 teruja bagi saya akan di"update". However, bukan sekarang ya, tungguuuuuuuuuuu. Ianya sangat menerujakan bagi saya, ianya sangat membanggakan bagi diri saya, ianya membuatkan saya berfikir Alhamdullilah dan terima kasih Allah atas rahmat-Mu. Kita akan storimori later2 ye. InsaAllah xlama akan saya update....=)












(pccy ni dh pernah guna utk post yg xtahu mengapa sngt2 terjatuh cheenta dengan gambar ini...huhuhu)

(p/s: start next week bersempena COTIiii sekolah, aktiviti di clinic/centre sedikit lengang (jadual saya la, jadual staf2 lain masih padat seperti biasa). Saje2 je memang xbuat jadual pack, plan nak meluangkan masa bersama anak3 terchenta. Plan nak berjalan...mmmmmmm...belum ada lagi, tapi yang pasti December 16,17,18 kami akan ke KL dan Melaka untuk memeriahkan majlis kahwin cousin kat Paya Jaras. Hai!!! Melaka and KL, here we COOOOMMMMEEEE!!!!!!)


Pak Yoep said...

Jagalah kesihatan suami baik2...

Siti Noraisikin Binti Mohd Jazuli said...

Thanks pok yoep...b'susah2 dhulu, b'senang2 kemudian...Alhamdullilah he is recovering and healthier now...=)